31 March 2009
I only draw about the things that affect me deeply. Why bother spending so much time and effort on a piece if I'm not passionately involved? I want my work to dig into me, to be so subjective that it goes beyond itself and is able to affect other people. I am trying to be brutally honest with myself in order to communicate, to touch on a truth. It’s like an archeological dig deep down into the day to day.
Just The Girl @
10:04 PM
30 March 2009
You Are a Life Blogger!

Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible.
You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it.
Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog!
Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
You Are 0% Shy

You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're quite outgoing.
You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how awkward or difficult it may be.
You can make conversation easily, and you know how to focus on other people.
If anything, you're the type of person who can put someone shy at ease.
Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
Your True Birth Month Is December

Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions
Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
Your Russian Name Is: Lyubochka Katerina Morozov

Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
You Are a Phoenix |
Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily. You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world. You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns. However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts. |
Just The Girl @
6:45 PM
You Live Your Life Strongly |
You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness. You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations. You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly. You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable. |
Just The Girl @
6:08 PM

well... back again...
First thing, i need a job badly... heheeee!!! and Second, I want to be a boy. Third, I love little kids.
Hehs.... I've got reasons behind y i want to be a boy, and y i need a job badly(thats of cos i need money la) and y i love kids.... ( er, actually no reason... i just LOVE them)
Really... Its been sometime I've blog about my life.... and it wasnt boring... just that I am as usual,(lazy) to talk about it. wad made me blog here is i have no space in my diary.... so yeah...
From wad i can remember, (beside working) it was Sentosa and Movies and Chalet and K plus Ubin..... and that day at sentosa.... hehs! it was raining at first.. and everyone decided to watch movie... but somehow, half of us ended up at sentosa.... some jokers went to play bowl, yang and yong chen went back to sk... Abit sian diao, but got one more joker stayed behind... KEN!! hahhas... mao pei joined us and followed by wilson, jessica, boon and shiying. however i am not in the mood of playing.... dunno why also... well.... after everything at sentosa, we headed to the harbour front centre- to watch coming soon... to me, it was super scary. hehs. But the boon and ken was talking cork all the way... they imitated those actor and actress in THAI~ LOL.... abit funny watching with them.... Alvin was funny too... we share a jacket to cover our eyes.... wad was crazy is that we sat at the front row... ahahaas... i cant really remember wad had happen after that.... well, but most important thing is to have fun!
ermmm, And before the chalet(badminton), i brought my bro to watch movie... hotel for dogs! hahahahahs, i find the movie very cute. Oh, mentioning of dogs, i had a nightmare last night bout dogs. i was in this creepy house of a friend, dunno whose house... but then there was a few dogs in the house... and one of them stood behind me... his saliva's drippin as he stick his tonuge out... another brown dog ran towards me and instead of licking, the dog suck my hand... it wasnt painful at all, but abit itchy... and i pulled my hand away frm the dog and realised that my hand turned dark brown....(only the area where the dog suck) hehs, i dunno wad kind of dream was that... i'm just afraid of dogs... thats all....
back to the movie with my bro.... after movie, i went to the chalet. other that the food, everything else was nice. we chatted bout our lifes and talk bout bgr thingy. its a secret here...
( tho i dun have one yet) i mean, their secrets... o.o
erm, really miss badminton ppl alot.... and i hope to have that kind of reunion every year... =)
Ubin was tiring. Lionel had to cycle me around... cos i dun really noe how to cycle. Thanks alot alot tho. hehs. Josepine came along too!! super happy. erm, it was a trip filled with plenty of jokes.. Marc is becoming very idiotic!! Gosh, i think its bcos he always hang out with ONG and Pin Hao. Pin Hao is the most dangerous person... Ppl, pls be very careful... Well, u noe wad? I finally understand y people said that theres' no meaning in life. thats because we met such a fren in life. ahahhas, KIDDIN LA!!
Jun yang was our captain...! hahahahs!! we cooked maggie there too!!! interesting stuff... =)))) and somehow, when we get back home, our butt hurts.... i think the bike suck.
i am sick and tired of banquet thingy... I felt that none of the friends there can be trusted. I work at 2 places... I hated the 1 most at holiday inn. although the pay was high, but too many china ppl. not becos of the citizenship, but bcos of their bossy attitude, they ordered ppl around. I had to confess that i scolded a gal- f*** silently in my heart. hehs! cos shes really a great iditotic lady! Almost Everyone at holiday Inn has got boyfriend/girlfriend... well, so wad if i doesnt have one. doesnt mean u can bully me rite.... =( this is the part i dun like. Just because they got boyfriend, they think they r great... well, i dun refer to everyone at holiday inn... cos alot ppl still treat me very well.... just a couple of them nia. tho they dun noe that i dun like them.... aiya, they still cant be trusted. hmmm, got this guy, he nearly confess to me la. he called me ytd. heng i hang up! piang! i dun wan a china bf. Feel like lying to him that i gt 1. but SIGH!!!!!!!! Quite irritating .... ok, i think i should share y i wanted to b a guy.... cos very seldom guy woo guy. and den if i were a boy, i would have PEACE... and many other things la.... =)))
at the other hotel.. it was much better..... i really learn alot of things in banquet... but i started to hate this guy.... he used to be my friend. but now, i kept avoiding him. i hope he noe it. cos when i avoid someone, 2 reasons, 1, i dun like him. 2, i dun wan him to get closer with me. (( HES FRM CHINA)) but bcos i noe his motive... thats y i avoid him... i noe im bad but, too bad lor! wad else can i do?! Hmmm, i must agree with this friend of mine... True friends arent many... and all these days that i have been working, i see the true colours of some of my friends.... i learnt many priceless lessons and understand a little bit more wads the world outside. The most common reason for a person to act up is the word, JEALOUS. When thy is jealous, thy tends to do something.... and this something might hurt someone either unintentionally or purposely/ directly or indirectly. To say wad i have to say, please grow up!
Just The Girl @
3:58 PM