24 May 2009
i dunno wad my life is all about now.... i am kinda lost and confused. and, i noe i am useless... far more useless den i thought. i dun deserve anything.. nobody understands like seriously. and i am breathless. emoing away doesnt help anymore. (iamsorry,ihaveletudown)
I hate my life now.. howiwishineverexists and yeah, wadever.
Just The Girl @
10:01 PM
17 May 2009
hahhahahs.. well well well... SCH is fun!!! Just abit stress and all... got alot of homeworks to finish.... eh.. ytd i was talking to my fren.... and we talked bout wad will 'i' do to my husband.... GAGAGAGAGAs.. LOL.. i cant imagine i'm going to spent the rest of my life with the same guy.. aiyoo..... Sure will sian half one lor... den all the cao kuan all come out.... hehs.. *if u noe wad i talkin about... ahahhas. and i said i'll make my husband to sketch something on my back using fingers... (make sure my hus is artistic) eg, sketch a human or something.... b4 i sleep.... =P or tell me bed time stories TILL i slp... ( cos my dad neber tell me any bed time stories b4...) or help me cut my nails lah~ and tell me jokes everyday!! oh, and and bake me cookies every month la, make him hand wash my clothes on every 30th day... erm, plant something new in the garden every 100 days la... and sing and strum guitar every fortnight, best still, compose a song for me, make new album etc....... whoohooo... heehs.. and wad i will do in return ish, i'll paint his nails, erm, trim his brow, or wax his leg's hair lah~ gaggagags, ( i'll make sure that i'll cut the wax stripe into cute shapes eg, star circle and heart shape.....) other then all these, i'll maybe put lip stick on him b4 he tell me bed time stories... or b4 he goes to work, i'll apply mascara for him... make sure he look pretty!! and hope i go GAGAGA-ing away~ WOOTS!!!!! well, oh.. and i'll help him dig his ear... hahhahah, dun be disgusted k... >< erm, and also, i'll play treasure hunt with him frequently... like hiding something important eg( credit card, bank bk etc etc etc) and make him find...... gagaggagagas.... well.... now, after reading, who will want to marry me lei......
Just The Girl @
2:09 PM
10 May 2009
Hehs!!!!! gosh, so long neber post liao... wah, even since sch start, i hardly have time to shop..... alot homeworks!!!! lucky my pinball machine got an b... i heard that only 3 ppl got an b.. alot got f noe..... they very strict lah...... ppl put in so much hard work... den they just fail them.... tsk tsk tsk.. i hate critic! anyway, make alot new frens in sch... they are kinda cute..... gaggagas... I love my class i would say..... =) and i got a very helpful class chairman.... hahhas, dun u agree? sch of SIDM... i heard that he is loud and attractive! LOL.... cool man. and my com skills lesson ar, got this guy... he look damn shag one noe.... he's velly funny la... i think he got short tonuge... so sad. but i find him quite cute... hehehes.... den i told my classmates bout him.... LOL..... and i blow flying kiss kiss to him.... gagagaggas.... oh... Shah... hahahas, this guy! damn HARDWORKING.... Always start work at midnite... and completed them b4 6am.... he always make himself very shag... the shag shah... hehes. oh.. i didnt go for the sound card adi.... sadded.. cos the cca is only on thurs and its frm 6 pm... den i really sian diao...
Besides all these, last sat... went back sch... to paint.. hahs... i didnt really paint alot.... I did my hmk der tho.... so sad.. it was nice to meet old frens there.... miss them so much... and one most funny thing is that KEN tore his pants..... while doing air jump pose! gagagagagagagagagas super funny... he so ma lu lah.... go cheryl Teo's face book see his cui face.... got about 90 comments!!! hhahahs, wel, kk, i gtg.... alot hmk... =(
Just The Girl @
3:08 PM
17 April 2009
In my dream...
He said he doesn't like anything that is meaningful in life..... I was sad upon hearing that sentence... He seemed lost, yet he doesn't want to find its way back. He has no goal. Apparently, no LIFE... I was thinking what causes this and as i ponder bout this, i was awaken from my message alert...
Well, fren asked, hows life....? And i think back, its wasn't that awesome!!! Though i am doing fine... Many a time, i wish that i could undo somethings that I've done... sadly, i could not... When i was young, i have a simple dream.... It is just to bring a smile to everyone... Just a SMILE. and i thought that was easy. Now that i am much older, I find that bringing a smile is a process. You get hurt when you did the right things. You get scolded for doing the right things. You got no chance to explain for your own actions. And ended up they drew the wrong conclusion of blaming you. You are sad. You find that you have no RIGHTS in everything. You realised that you have no listening ears. You hate life. You questioned the wall why were you born into the world?? But u've got no answer. You find no purpose in life. You felt lonely.You fell down to the very depth of the sea. And you find that its is difficult to climb up. You learnt from mistakes not to trust anyone anymore. You received the lesson not to love and not to accept love. You think that you are not deserving. You think that you are not important. You find yourself not able to be heard. Deep down in your heart, there are words left unspoken. Nothings fine, you are TORN. And You slowly forget how to smile again...
Just The Girl @
8:00 PM
11 April 2009
Finally, he came along
Broke the spell
And set me free
Push aside what used to be
All the broken hearted woman
That once was me
I almost gave it up BUT
I always believe
When hes' in ur arms
You know wad u've achieved
So hear me loneliness
I'm giving up on you
I dun need you anymore
I've found wad I've been looking for
So hear me emptyness
I've got no room for you
I finally found wad I've been dreaming of
Someone to love
Cos I was lost &
I was down and out
Until that day
I knew wad my life was all about
Still wonder how
He came around
& hes the same reason that I'm smiling here today
Someone to love
To hold
To be my inspiration
Someone to touch
To cherish for life.....
Just The Girl @
2:39 AM
31 March 2009
I only draw about the things that affect me deeply. Why bother spending so much time and effort on a piece if I'm not passionately involved? I want my work to dig into me, to be so subjective that it goes beyond itself and is able to affect other people. I am trying to be brutally honest with myself in order to communicate, to touch on a truth. It’s like an archeological dig deep down into the day to day.
Just The Girl @
10:04 PM
30 March 2009
You Are a Life Blogger!

Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And you make it as entertaining as possible.
You may be guilty of over-sharing a bit on your blog, but you can't help it.
Your life is truly an open book. Or in this case, an open blog!
Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
You Are 0% Shy

You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're quite outgoing.
You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how awkward or difficult it may be.
You can make conversation easily, and you know how to focus on other people.
If anything, you're the type of person who can put someone shy at ease.
Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
Your True Birth Month Is December

Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions
Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
Your Russian Name Is: Lyubochka Katerina Morozov

Just The Girl @
6:51 PM
You Are a Phoenix |
Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily. You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world. You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns. However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts. |
Just The Girl @
6:45 PM
You Live Your Life Strongly |
You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness. You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations. You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly. You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable. |
Just The Girl @
6:08 PM

well... back again...
First thing, i need a job badly... heheeee!!! and Second, I want to be a boy. Third, I love little kids.
Hehs.... I've got reasons behind y i want to be a boy, and y i need a job badly(thats of cos i need money la) and y i love kids.... ( er, actually no reason... i just LOVE them)
Really... Its been sometime I've blog about my life.... and it wasnt boring... just that I am as usual,(lazy) to talk about it. wad made me blog here is i have no space in my diary.... so yeah...
From wad i can remember, (beside working) it was Sentosa and Movies and Chalet and K plus Ubin..... and that day at sentosa.... hehs! it was raining at first.. and everyone decided to watch movie... but somehow, half of us ended up at sentosa.... some jokers went to play bowl, yang and yong chen went back to sk... Abit sian diao, but got one more joker stayed behind... KEN!! hahhas... mao pei joined us and followed by wilson, jessica, boon and shiying. however i am not in the mood of playing.... dunno why also... well.... after everything at sentosa, we headed to the harbour front centre- to watch coming soon... to me, it was super scary. hehs. But the boon and ken was talking cork all the way... they imitated those actor and actress in THAI~ LOL.... abit funny watching with them.... Alvin was funny too... we share a jacket to cover our eyes.... wad was crazy is that we sat at the front row... ahahaas... i cant really remember wad had happen after that.... well, but most important thing is to have fun!
ermmm, And before the chalet(badminton), i brought my bro to watch movie... hotel for dogs! hahahahahs, i find the movie very cute. Oh, mentioning of dogs, i had a nightmare last night bout dogs. i was in this creepy house of a friend, dunno whose house... but then there was a few dogs in the house... and one of them stood behind me... his saliva's drippin as he stick his tonuge out... another brown dog ran towards me and instead of licking, the dog suck my hand... it wasnt painful at all, but abit itchy... and i pulled my hand away frm the dog and realised that my hand turned dark brown....(only the area where the dog suck) hehs, i dunno wad kind of dream was that... i'm just afraid of dogs... thats all....
back to the movie with my bro.... after movie, i went to the chalet. other that the food, everything else was nice. we chatted bout our lifes and talk bout bgr thingy. its a secret here...
( tho i dun have one yet) i mean, their secrets... o.o
erm, really miss badminton ppl alot.... and i hope to have that kind of reunion every year... =)
Ubin was tiring. Lionel had to cycle me around... cos i dun really noe how to cycle. Thanks alot alot tho. hehs. Josepine came along too!! super happy. erm, it was a trip filled with plenty of jokes.. Marc is becoming very idiotic!! Gosh, i think its bcos he always hang out with ONG and Pin Hao. Pin Hao is the most dangerous person... Ppl, pls be very careful... Well, u noe wad? I finally understand y people said that theres' no meaning in life. thats because we met such a fren in life. ahahhas, KIDDIN LA!!
Jun yang was our captain...! hahahahs!! we cooked maggie there too!!! interesting stuff... =)))) and somehow, when we get back home, our butt hurts.... i think the bike suck.
i am sick and tired of banquet thingy... I felt that none of the friends there can be trusted. I work at 2 places... I hated the 1 most at holiday inn. although the pay was high, but too many china ppl. not becos of the citizenship, but bcos of their bossy attitude, they ordered ppl around. I had to confess that i scolded a gal- f*** silently in my heart. hehs! cos shes really a great iditotic lady! Almost Everyone at holiday Inn has got boyfriend/girlfriend... well, so wad if i doesnt have one. doesnt mean u can bully me rite.... =( this is the part i dun like. Just because they got boyfriend, they think they r great... well, i dun refer to everyone at holiday inn... cos alot ppl still treat me very well.... just a couple of them nia. tho they dun noe that i dun like them.... aiya, they still cant be trusted. hmmm, got this guy, he nearly confess to me la. he called me ytd. heng i hang up! piang! i dun wan a china bf. Feel like lying to him that i gt 1. but SIGH!!!!!!!! Quite irritating .... ok, i think i should share y i wanted to b a guy.... cos very seldom guy woo guy. and den if i were a boy, i would have PEACE... and many other things la.... =)))
at the other hotel.. it was much better..... i really learn alot of things in banquet... but i started to hate this guy.... he used to be my friend. but now, i kept avoiding him. i hope he noe it. cos when i avoid someone, 2 reasons, 1, i dun like him. 2, i dun wan him to get closer with me. (( HES FRM CHINA)) but bcos i noe his motive... thats y i avoid him... i noe im bad but, too bad lor! wad else can i do?! Hmmm, i must agree with this friend of mine... True friends arent many... and all these days that i have been working, i see the true colours of some of my friends.... i learnt many priceless lessons and understand a little bit more wads the world outside. The most common reason for a person to act up is the word, JEALOUS. When thy is jealous, thy tends to do something.... and this something might hurt someone either unintentionally or purposely/ directly or indirectly. To say wad i have to say, please grow up!
Just The Girl @
3:58 PM
19 February 2009
Wah seh... Very long never post alr... ><>, even b4 i start working,i quited it... followed by the buffet on 05/02 Dennis' treat @ Carlton hotel... 17/02 was
YouZhen's birthday... however we've celebrated it on Friday the 13.... On man, just realised that This year, 2
there'll be 3 FRIDAY THE 13!!! One was Feb, the other is march and last is November... Some of u are going into National Service on 13/o3.... eh, hopefully nothing bad will happen la. Went to
sentosa and got a SURPRISE crab feast
frm fren...
Whoooo~ went back to ex school saw
alot of familiar faces and i miss Ms
hehs... I think shes getting married soon...? perhaps next year...
alot of things happened at work... sometimes i dunno should blog bout it or not... I'm not really open to share... really...
I've met this guy that resembles someone... Someone that had a great impact on me... Someone that i once loved... Its really hard to forget or erase away memories... Just wish that i could be somebody with a super power to erase sad memories.. I wonder why, how
ppl could just be so happy and optimistic everyday... Perhaps he or she is just like everyone else~ wearing a mask to hide who their real self is.. Sometimes life is so complicated... Just feel like running away from everything... going to a faraway place, so that no one will question u anything that u do not wish to answer...
There's a saying.. 'wads
urs will be
urs' And yeah, quite true...
Just The Girl @
6:06 PM
07 January 2009
sometimes when u talk. pls be careful of ur words. it might hurt somebody.
nothing much to say.. just damn worry bout my results.. and i got a very bad feeling that i will not do well.... very sad.
Just The Girl @
12:19 AM
26 December 2008
apart frm all the fun,... well... i felt kinda sad~ dots... and.. sigh~ -_-" how i wish i didnt noe u at all... damn fed up! and i regretted giving...
Just The Girl @
9:53 PM
12 December 2008
Today watched wildchild... to all the GALS, its damn nice.......!! lol, i love it... and i dun mind watching the second time. heh... tired tired.. heehs.. slepping soon!! ><
Just The Girl @
1:14 AM
06 December 2008
Happy birthday.. to boon... and shawn? and dominic. tho its abit late. er. haha, u guys shared the same dates. er. well..... this is my update so far.....

boon me and corinne.

In the train...

The gp photo... ffun fun.... we left that mind cafe'.... hehes.... ok, wad happen at mind cafe was we waited to be sitted.. and the place was big yet squeezy... hahas, overall quite closey.. =) eh... we didnt play board games but we played our own games... fun tho... =) hehhe... but quite sian... cos somebody spoiled the atmostphere... heh!!! ok la... shuwei was upset with mummy... but after awhile ok le... she planned nnot to go home so early... so we left at 11 plus pm to catch the train.... and then head to hougang to slack.... yade yade... chat chat till 3am plus..... it rained on my way back... hahas... DAmn... =( but,... boons' finally 16. hahahs
so young la. hai yo.. and oh... corinne stayed in sengkang.. so she cabbed back... ;lol... alot of things to chat with ah wei. but fun lo... ahhas... yap.. i wont forget the happy monents... and i am sure i will miss all of u... lah!

ops... i miss out this working pic... (should be at the bottom...) hahahs... ok de la hor...

the sexy ladies!!!! whee wee~
Shi ying me and shuwei... horny shu wei...

Me and her.... in our uniform... lol... nice!!

Working place!!!! the indian ish our new fren... SAY HI AH NA!! =)) hehe
working is fun... hahah.. made alot new frens.. dominic. elen. indians ppl.. kitchen staff. lao zha bo... those old aunty.. they also have internal conflicts one neh! hahahss...jonnna is a chio bu... but there no handsome 1... hahhs.. perhaps more to come... eh... i am working at carlton hotel... pay is 5.5o to 6 per hour. ppl there are frendly.... hahahs... but i dun really like the ppl who washes the plates.. they abit ti ko like that.... lol... except for the indian gal.. lol, she very the frendly,... =) hahhas... the manager speak weirdly.. he sounded wrong.. very wrong... lol.. he goes like tis...
" i want you all to behaving when working. Dun treat us bullshit. we respect, u must respect back. ask u all do this, never listen. wad ever we say u all just orh orh orh and never listen. i rather go make new ppl and train them.. new ppl may be better that u guys or worst. i dun noe. But if u never realise, u see famillar faces.. cos we keep them.." ( he was trying to say we can work with our frens...) still got alot la.. i forgot wad he said exactly... but ok la.. he very funny... ppl still respect him... i am certain bcos he is talking to a bunch of (mostly) china ppl.... eh... heh.. oh... working can kope food.. lol.. dom taught me to... lol..
food was nice... shark fin and all... just dun have crab... craps jiu have alot.. =( haiya.. den, erm... i look forward to work... prob bcoscan get to meet new frens.. hehe... andd get paid at the end of the day... lol..

boon's de ca flying up too!! hohos, and i look like shit in this pic... shir post most nice.. but wilson very jia lat... see where he looking at??!!! Aiyo!!! corinne,... u must must go wack him up side down...

Hahahaa... this look stupid.. shir like siao ting tong.. point up... wilson like sticking out his middle finger... heh.. for NO REASON>>> sicko guy!!

boon+me+shir+jess+edumnd = COOL people.. (tis pic exclude wilson..) You will say, nowonder its cool....

The pic we took in the cave... hahas
the cam ney put properly... but everybody was captured... so ok lah har...
and... ahahahahah, shir de head... LOL...

the funny faces...
yy, my head really Y sia.. shir, got the act shock look... O.O ...wilson, got the mr white teeth look... but actually not white one!! Boonhow got the stupid cum silly and qian da plus disgusting with puking LOOK... jessicca just look like a pertty PIG...

This is random... cos i miss out tis photo for that prom nite post... sry tho><

Chomp chomp de bus stop...
tis was last minute too... ahahs... eat balot lah.. siao liao. ><


the jasper extra lo...hahahahs...

tis is cute!!

corinne me and geo..

Kimberly was trying out her new camara.. but her green one was spoiled... so ended up buying another 1.... Rich sia... ><

This is the big group photo..
hahha, damn funny... cos we actually asked a gal to take pic for us... den in return, we help them to take pic too...And end up, the whole group took pic together.. hahhs..
Just The Girl @
1:14 AM